Franky So, Ph.D., has been selected as an IEEE Photonics Society Distinguished Lecturer for his contributions to organic electronics. Only… Michele Manuel, Ph.D., was awarded the 2013 Bradley Stoughton Award for Young Teachers This award, given by ASM, was established… Since 2010, the Cade Museum Foundation has held an annual competition encouraging Florida’s burgeoning inventors and entrepreneurs. This year, two… Ph.D. candidate Haixiong Tang, studying under Henry Sodano, Ph.D., has been awarded the 1st Place SPIE/ASME Best Student Paper Award… Fatmata Barrie, a Ph.D. candidate studying under Michele Manuel, Ph.D., has been awarded a research grant through the Fulbright U.S…. Elliot P. Douglas, Ph.D., associate professor and Dean’s Fellow for Engineering Education, has received the 2013 ASEE Southeast Section Outstanding… The state of Florida has hundreds of professors who publish excellent research, educate and mentor students and help with campus… Governor Rick Scott visited UF Nanoscale Research Facility on February 11, 2013 to layout his plan for UF to become… Elliot P. Douglas, Ph.D., has published a new textbook for the Introduction to Materials course. His book, Introduction to Materials… Undergraduate student Ali Henriques, studying under Jacob Jones, Ph.D., earned second place honors in the poster competition at the Orlando…Dr. Franky So Selected as IEEE Distinguished Lecturer
Michele Manuel Receives 2013 Bradley Stoughton Award for Young Teachers
Paul Holloway’s Startup Wins the Cade Prize
Haixiong Tang Awarded Best Paper at Smart Materials Symposium
Fatmata Barrie Awarded Fulbright Scholarship
Elliot Douglas Receives ASEE Outstanding Teacher Award
Susan Sinnott Chosen as One of the Top 25 Women Professors in Florida
MSE graduate Cephas Small spoke during Governor’s visit
Elliot Douglas Publishes New MSE Textbook
Ali Henriques Places Second with EMA Meeting Poster