Reactor Physics and Thermal Hydraulics

Reactor Physics and Thermal Hydraulics


Reactor physics and thermal hydraulics are the cornerstones of nuclear engineering. The majority of the research conducted at UF in this field involves computational modeling of the complex multiphysics interactions between reactor physics, materials and thermal hydraulics. Research spans a large range of problems from fuel design and characterization to using current light water reactors to produce process heat for industrial facilities.  


Photo of DuWayne SchubringDuWayne SchubringInstructional Professor
(352) 294-7870

Ph.D., 2009, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Research Interests: Two-phase flow, nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics, quantitative visualization, nuclear reactor safety, computational and numerical methods including coupled codes, advanced nuclear power systems

Photo of Justin WatsonJustin WatsonAssociate Professor
(352) 273-0241

Ph.D., 2010, Penn State University

Research Interests: Reactor Kinetics and Dynamics, Neutronics, Thermal Hydraulics, Multiphysics Simulation, Advanced Numerical Methods, Applied Mathematics, Advanced Code Coupling Techniques, Scientific Software Development, High Performance Computing

Lab Website: Florida Advanced Multiphysics Modeling and Simulation (FAMMoS) Lab