MSE Travel Request Form

MSE Travel Request Form

MSE Department Travel Process

  • All MSE travel reimbursements must comply with all University Travel Policies.
  • Before leaving on your trip (ideally as soon as your travel arrangements are completed), go to the MSE Travel Form. Click the Before Travel button at the top, fill out as much of the form as possible and click Submit. NOTE: You will be updating this form when you return from travel. See the instructions below under “Upon Return From Travel – Advance Notice.”
  • The form should be completed at least 10 business days before your expected domestic travel departure and at least 30 days before your expected international travel departure (additional guidance related to international travel is provided below).
  • The MSE Travel Form should be used for all travel. Please attach all receipts for all items purchased with a UF PCard to the form or email them to the MSE Fiscal Team email.
  • All Faculty and TEAMS staff are strongly encouraged to complete a Disclosure of Outside Activities for all travel where something of value is received. This can include but is not limited to honorariums, travel expenses covered on your behalf by an outside entity, and waived registration fees.
    • Disclosures must be submitted at least 45 days in advance, and travelers should not incur or book any travel expenses before your Disclosure of Outside Activities is approved. If your Disclosure of Outside Activities is disapproved, any incurred travel expense will not be reimbursable and those prepaid through UF must be reimbursed by the presumptive traveler.

International Travel

  • Please review the International Travel guidance tips from the UF Office of Research and Division of Research Compliance and Global Support for assistance with export licenses or other authorizations.
  • Register your travel with the UF International Center (UFIC) by completing the International Travel & Insurance Registry.
  • If you are traveling with any UF-owned equipment, including a laptop or other mobile computing device, request pre-approval from UF Asset Management.
  • All International Travel is also subject to and contingent upon a Restricted Party Screening through Visual Compliance. This screening pertains to your travel destination(s) and the organization(s) you are visiting and will be conducted during the review of your travel authorization. You will be notified promptly if this screening yields any findings or potential issues.

Vacation Rentals

Vacation rentals (Airbnb, FlipKey, HomeAway, HomeToGo, HouseTrip, Tripping, VayStays, VacayHero, VRBO, etc.) should not be used if travel time is less than seven consecutive days. HWCOE travelers should use hotel accommodations when traveling for UF business purposes. Exceptions to this practice will need prior approval from the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. Cost savings alone will not be a sufficient justification for an exception to this business practice.

For questions or to request a waiver from this business practice, please contact the Associate Director of Administrative Services.

Upon Return from Travel – Advance Notice:

  • After your travel, please return to the same MSE Travel Form you filled out before leaving and click the button at the top to change it from Before Travel to After Travel. Then, update the form as necessary to reflect actual dates, times and expenses. NOTE: Don’t forget to attach scans of all travel-related receipts. When you are finished updating the form, click Submit. Please do this as soon as possible after you return to ensure your reimbursement is not subject to annual W-2 taxable income per IRS Publication 463.
  • Travel reimbursement requests submitted more than 60 days after the conclusion of your travel will be recorded as taxable income.
  • For questions about how to complete the travel authorizations or the expense reports, please email the MSE Finance Team.