Ph.D., 1974, Rutgers University
Research Interests: Delivery methods for stem cells, Antimicrobial surface modifications, Nanoparticles for gene delivery, Polymeric drug delivery
Lab Website: Batich Research Group
Ph. D., 1990, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Research Interests: Biointerfaces, antifouling, polymer surfaces/modification, polymer networks, microtopographies, tissue engineering
Ph. D., 1997, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Research Interests: Biomimetic synthesis of organic-inorganic hybrid composite materials; biomineralization- processes and structure; biomimetic bone graft substitutes; kidney stone formation; phage display for bioelectronic materials interfaces
Lab Website: Gower Biomimetics Laboratory
Ph.D., 1963 Max-Planck Institute Stuttgart/Germany
Research Interests: Electrical Properties of Materials, Optical Properties of Materials, Semiconductors, Energetic Materials Detection, Spark-processing of Luminescent Materials, Differential Reflectometry, Electromigration and other failure mechanisms in thin film interconnects, Radiation Damage of Nuclear Materials, Ion Implantation.
Eng. Sc. D. 1981, Columbia University
Research Interests: Engineered particulate systems for enhanced performance in nano and bio technologies, micro-electronics, advanced materials and minerals, photocatalytic degradation of hazardous microbes, nanotoxicity, and greener reagents and particle technologies
Ph. D., 1983, University of Tasmania
Research Interests: Semiconductor processing, devices, thin film transistors, solid state sensors
Ph. D., 1989, North Carolina State University
Research Interests: Semiconductor Processing; Oxide thin films; III-V Semiconductors; Ultra-hard materials; Emerging advanced materials; laser processing
M. E., 1963, Mass. Inst. of Technology M.E.A. 1980, Geo. Washington Univ.
Research Interests: nuclear fuel cycle, focusing on the processing, fabrication and in core and excore performance of nuclear fuel, multi-scale simulation of nuclear Fuel, economic and environmental evaluation of all forms of electrical energy generation