Date(s) - 10/20/2022
1:55 pm - 2:55 pm
Rhines Hall 125
John Mattingly, Ph.D.
Department Head, Nuclear Engineering
University of Tennessee
Dr. Wesley Hines is a Chancellor’s Professor and the Head of the Nuclear Engineering Department at the University of Tennessee, where he has been for 28 years. Dr. Hines has authored over 350 technical papers in the areas of artificial intelligence and advanced statistical techniques applied to process diagnostics, condition-based maintenance, and prognostics.
Dr. Hines received a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Ohio University in 1985 and then served as a nuclear-qualified submarine officer in the US Navy. He later received both an MBA, M.S., and Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from The Ohio State University.
He was recognized by the American Society of Engineering Education Nuclear Engineering Division through their Glenn Murphy Distinguished Nuclear Engineering Educator Award in 2014, was selected as ANS Fellow in 2015, and was the recipient of the ANS Arthur Holly Compton Award in Education in 2019 and the Robert Long Training Excellence award in 2020.
The University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering Department is extremely fortunate to have moved into a new $129M building. One vault was specifically designed to house a Fast Neutron Source (FNS), which is a neutron generator-driven, highly-flexible subcritical core with a goal to measure nuclear physics properties in specific fast reactor flux spectra.
This facility will support a variety of fast reactor designs including sodium, lead, and salt; through improved cross sections and neutronics codes for advanced reactor design and licensing. Artificial intelligence methods, coupled with reactor physics codes, allow a rapid design and reconfiguration of the core.