NE Seminar: “Global Security at Savannah River National Laboratory”

Date(s) - 02/02/2023
1:55 pm - 2:55 pm

Rhines 125


Christopher Orton, Ph.D.

Director, Nuclear Nonproliferation Division
Savannah River National Laboratory

Dr. Christopher Orton is the Director of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Division within the Global Security Directorate at Savannah River National Laboratory. In his role as director, Dr. Orton oversees Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation (NA-20), Counter-terrorism & Counter-proliferation (NA-80), FBI, and Department of State mission space for SRNL, which is primarily led and executed through his five technical groups while leveraging the capabilities across the laboratory.

Dr. Orton has a chemical and nuclear engineering background, and his technical contributions have focused on international safeguards technology development. He has previously spent time as a technical advisor to the NNSA Office of International Safeguards and the US Support Program to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), as a Non-Destructive Analysis Engineer at the International Atomic Energy Agency and as a scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.


Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) is the newest of the 17 U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratories, though it has supported the Savannah River Site for much longer. SRNL is a multi-program national laboratory leading research and development for the Offices of Environmental Management and Legacy Management at the U.S. Department of Energy, the Weapons and Nonproliferation programs for the National Nuclear Security Administration, and other government programs. It is managed, since 2021, by the Battelle Savannah River Alliance. This presentation will give an overview of the laboratory, its history, and its current and future opportunities, with a focus on the ongoing activities within the Global Security Directorate. The presenter will also highlight some of his previous professional experience that may be of interest to the audience. Information on how students and professionals can collaborate with or join the laboratory will also be provided.