Resource Scheduling

Resource Scheduling


Room reservations made on the UF Exchange Calendar must be made by department faculty, staff, or students. If you are outside of the department please contact the front office at to request availability. This must be done no earlier than 2 weeks prior to the event.

Rooms Available

Location Room Calendar Calendar Delegates Max Occupancy Technology Capabilities
100E Rhines Hall @ MSE Rhines 100E Nekia Jones, Donna Moore, Sarah Van Ess Approximately 5-8 Conference phone, single display with HDMI connectivity
125 Rhines Hall @ MSE Rhines 125 Nekia Jones, Donna Moore, Sarah Van Ess Approximately 50-75 Projector, HDMI connectivity, lapel and handheld microphone
155 Rhines Hall @ MSE Rhines 155 Nekia Jones, Donna Moore, Sarah Van Ess Approximately 12-15 Zoom Rooms capable, two 85-inch displays, camera, speakers, microphones, HDMI connectivity, scheduling display
157 Rhines Hall @ MSE Rhines 157 Nekia Jones, Donna Moore, Sarah Van Ess Approximately 12-15 Single large display, HDMI connectivty, AppleTV
214 Nuclear Sciences Building @ MSE NSC 214 Nekia Jones, Donna Moore, Sarah Van Ess Presently Under Contstruction Presently Under Construction

Scheduling Information

To book a room, add the appropriate room calendar from above into the, “Add a room or location”, field on your meeting invitation . If you have any issues, please email or come by 100 Rhines Hall.