The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is awarding over $82 million in nuclear energy research, facility access, crosscutting technology development, and infrastructure awards in 28 states. In total, 93 projects were selected to receive funding that will help push innovative nuclear technologies toward commercialization and into the market. These awards provide funding for nuclear energy-related research through the Nuclear Energy University Program, Nuclear Science User Facilities, and Nuclear Energy Enabling Technology programs. In addition to financial support, a number of recipients will receive technical and regulatory assistance through the Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN) initiative.
Through NEUP, DOE is awarding more than $35 million for 48 university-led nuclear research and development projects, $15 million for 4 Integrated Research Projects, and $5 million for 17 infrastructure support awards.
DOE is also awarding nearly $7 million to support 7 nuclear energy research and development projects through the Nuclear Energy Enabling Technologies (NEET) program. NEET is also awarding 3 grants, totaling over $1 million, to support infrastructure improvements at Department of Energy national laboratories to further reactor and instrumentation research.
Additionally, DOE has selected eight university, two national laboratory, and one industry-led project that will take advantage of NSUF capabilities to investigate important nuclear fuel and material applications. DOE will fund over $9 million in facility access costs and expertise for experimental neutron and ion irradiation testing, post-irradiation examination facilities, synchrotron beamline capabilities, and technical assistance for design and analysis of experiments through the NSUF.
Yong Yang as PI
NEUP Project 16-10696: Understand the Phase Transformation of Thermally Aged and Neutron Irradiated Duplex Stainless Steels Used in LWRs
University of Florida
To fundamentally understand the elemental evolution, segregation and precipitation in duplex stainless steels upon irradiation and thermal aging, Researchers will conduct systematic X-ray measurements including X-ray diffraction, Extended X-ray Absorption Fine structure spectroscopy and in-situ tensile testing using WXAS on existing irradiated cast stainless steels and welds. The study will also be augmented by microstructural characterization using TEM and APT.
Jim Baciak and Tulenko as Co-PI
NEUP Project 16-10915: Development of Mobile Manipulation and Survey System for H-Canyon and other Applications across the DOE Complex
University of Texas at Austin
Researchers will develop and deliver a mobile manipulation and survey system capable of meeting the requirements necessary to properly inspect and survey the H-Canyon air ventilation tunnels at Savannah River Site.
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