Domestic Travel Authorization *Original* To insure quick processing by the MSE Travel Office, please include as much of the requested information as possible.CONTACT INFORMATIONFull Name* First Last PositionChoose OneFacultyStaffGradUndergradOtherUF ID Number*UF Email Address* Phone NumberFUNDING INFORMATIONFunding Source*Choose OneProjectDepartmentExternal FundingProject/Other Information*PI Email Address* REASON FOR TRAVEL INFORMATIONPurpose of Travel*Choose OneAdmission RecruitingComplimentary TravelConferenceFaculty RecruitingFundraisingMeetingOtherProfessional DevelopmentSpeaker at ConferenceSpeaker/Invited GuestTestingTrainingTransportationExplain Purpose and Benefit to the project or institution*Conference Webpage URL TRAVEL DATES and LOCATION INFORMATIONDeparture Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Departure Time* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Return Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Return Time* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Departing From*Destination*Returning To*ESTIMATED COST INFORMATION UF Travel Brochure Avis Reservation Form Airfare CostPaid withPersonal Credit CardP-Card (Cardholder)P-Card (not Cardholder)CashOtherLodging CostPaid withPersonal Credit CardP-Card (Cardholder)P-Card (not Cardholder)CashOtherEstimated Meals CostPaid withPersonal Credit CardP-Card (Cardholder)P-Card (not Cardholder)CashOtherRental Car(s) CostPaid withPersonal Credit CardP-Card (Cardholder)P-Card (not Cardholder)CashOtherIncidentals CostPaid withPersonal Credit CardP-Card (Cardholder)P-Card (not Cardholder)CashOtherRegistration Fee CostPaid withPersonal Credit CardP-Card (Cardholder)P-Card (not Cardholder)CashOtherEstimated Miles DrivenEstimated Mileage Cost (Calculated when you click Submit)Total Estimated Cost (Calculated when you click Submit)Lodging/expenses shared with (N/A if not applicable)*ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONAre you the P-Card Holder*Choose OneYesNoIf NO, Enter P-Card Holder's Name*If YES, will this P-Card be used for other travelers?*Choose OneYesNoIf YES, List the other travelers and explain*Please list any other P-Cards used and their holdersHow many files to upload? 1 2 3 Attach any additional information here:Max. file size: 73 MB.Attach any additional information here:Max. file size: 73 MB.Attach any additional information here:Max. file size: 73 MB.Please make sure all fields are as accurate as possible before you click "Submit"If you have not received approval for your travel within 5 business days of departure date, please notify the finance office at or mjakubisin@mse.ufl.edunter>Captcha Domestic Travel Authorization To insure quick processing by the MSE Travel Office, please include as much of the requested information as possible.CONTACT INFORMATIONFull Name* First Last PositionChoose OneFacultyStaffGradUndergradOtherUF ID Number*UF Email Address* Phone NumberFUNDING INFORMATIONFunding Source*Choose OneProjectDepartmentExternal FundingProject/Other Information*Are you the PI?* Yes No PI Email Address* REASON FOR TRAVEL INFORMATIONPurpose of Travel*Choose OneAdmission RecruitingComplimentary TravelConferenceFaculty RecruitingFundraisingMeetingOtherProfessional DevelopmentSpeaker at ConferenceSpeaker/Invited GuestTestingTrainingTransportationExplain Purpose and Benefit to the project or institution*Conference Webpage URL TRAVEL DATES and LOCATION INFORMATIONDeparture Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Departure Time* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Return Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Return Time* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Departing From*Destination*Returning To*MEALS UF Travel Brochure Avis Reservation Form Day 1 Breakfast ($6) Lunch ($11) Dinner ($19) Day 2 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Day 3 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Day 4 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Day 5 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Day 6 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Please list additional meals not checked off above:Overall Estimated Meal CostEXPENSE REIMBURSMENT INFORMATION UF Travel Brochure Avis Reservation Form Airfare CostPaid withPersonal Credit CardP-Card (Cardholder)P-Card (not Cardholder)CashOtherAdditional Airfare CostPaid withPersonal Credit CardP-Card (Cardholder)P-Card (not Cardholder)CashOtherLodging CostPaid withPersonal Credit CardP-Card (Cardholder)P-Card (not Cardholder)CashOtherAdditional Lodging CostPaid withPersonal Credit CardP-Card (Cardholder)P-Card (not Cardholder)CashOtherRental Car(s) CostPaid withPersonal Credit CardP-Card (Cardholder)P-Card (not Cardholder)CashOtherIncidentalsNoneBaggage FeesBusCommunications (Fax, Phone, Web)Fuel for Rental CarInsuranceLaundryMaid ServiceMemberships & DuesParkingPortagePrintingTaxi or Shuttle ServiceTollsTrainIncidentals CostAdditional IncidentalsNoneBaggage FeesBusCommunications (Fax, Phone, Web)Fuel for Rental CarInsuranceLaundryMaid ServiceMemberships & DuesParkingPortagePrintingTaxi or Shuttle ServiceTollsTrainAdditional Incidentals CostAdditional Incidentals 2NoneBaggage FeesBusCommunications (Fax, Phone, Web)Fuel for Rental CarInsuranceLaundryMaid ServiceMemberships & DuesParkingPortagePrintingTaxi or Shuttle ServiceTollsTrainAdditional Incidentals Cost 2Additional Incidentals 3NoneBaggage FeesBusCommunications (Fax, Phone, Web)Fuel for Rental CarInsuranceLaundryMaid ServiceMemberships & DuesParkingPortagePrintingTaxi or Shuttle ServiceTollsTrainAdditional Incidentals Cost 3Additional Incidentals 4NoneBaggage FeesBusCommunications (Fax, Phone, Web)Fuel for Rental CarInsuranceLaundryMaid ServiceMemberships & DuesParkingPortagePrintingTaxi or Shuttle ServiceTollsTrainAdditional Incidentals Cost 4Paid withPersonal Credit CardP-Card (Cardholder)P-Card (not Cardholder)CashOtherRegistration Fee CostPaid withPersonal Credit CardP-Card (Cardholder)P-Card (not Cardholder)CashOtherEstimated Miles Driven (personal car only)Estimated Mileage Cost (Calculated when you click Submit)Total Estimated Cost (Calculated when you click Submit)Lodging/expenses shared with (N/A if not applicable)*Any additional information*ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONAre you the P-Card Holder*Choose OneYesNoIf NO, Enter P-Card Holder's Name*If YES, will this P-Card be used for other travelers?*Choose OneYesNoIf YES, List the other travelers and explain*Please list any other P-Cards used and their holdersHow many files to upload? 1 2 3 Attach any additional information here:Max. file size: 73 MB.Attach any additional information here:Max. file size: 73 MB.Attach any additional information here:Max. file size: 73 MB.Please make sure all fields are as accurate as possible before you click "Submit"If you have not received approval for your travel within 5 business days of departure date, please notify the finance office at or Make sure the confirmation page is displayed after you click submit, otherwise your information may not have been sentCaptcha Domestic Travel Expense Reimbursement To insure quick processing by the MSE Travel Office, please include as much of the requested information as possible.CONTACT INFORMATIONFull Name* First Last PositionChoose OneFacultyStaffGradUndergradOtherUF ID Number*UF Email Address* Phone NumberFUNDING INFORMATIONFunding Source*Choose OneProjectDepartmentExternal FundingProject/Other Information*PI Email Address* Travel Authorization Number*REASON FOR TRAVEL INFORMATIONPurpose of Travel*Choose OneAdmission RecruitingComplimentary TravelConferenceFaculty RecruitingFundraisingMeetingOtherProfessional DevelopmentSpeaker at ConferenceSpeaker/Invited GuestTestingTrainingTransportationExplain Purpose and Benefit to the project or institution*Conference Webpage URL TRAVEL DATES and LOCATION INFORMATIONDeparture Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Departure Time* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Return Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Return Time* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Departing From*Destination*Returning To*MEALS UF Travel Brochure Avis Reservation Form Day 1 Breakfast ($6) Lunch ($11) Dinner ($19) Day 2 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Day 3 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Day 4 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Day 5 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Day 6 Breakfast Lunch Dinner Please list additional meals not checked off above:Overall Estimated Meal CostESTIMATED COST INFORMATION UF Travel Brochure Avis Reservation Form Airfare CostPaid withPersonal Credit CardP-Card (Cardholder)P-Card (not Cardholder)CashOtherLodging CostPaid withPersonal Credit CardP-Card (Cardholder)P-Card (not Cardholder)CashOtherRental Car(s) CostPaid withPersonal Credit CardP-Card (Cardholder)P-Card (not Cardholder)CashOtherIncidentalsNoneBaggage FeesBusCommunications (Fax, Phone, Web)Fuel for Rental CarInsuranceLaundryMaid ServiceMemberships & DuesParkingPortagePrintingTaxi or Shuttle ServiceTollsTrainIncidentals CostAdditional IncidentalsNoneBaggage FeesBusCommunications (Fax, Phone, Web)Fuel for Rental CarInsuranceLaundryMaid ServiceMemberships & DuesParkingPortagePrintingTaxi or Shuttle ServiceTollsTrainAdditional Incidentals CostAdditional Incidentals 2NoneBaggage FeesBusCommunications (Fax, Phone, Web)Fuel for Rental CarInsuranceLaundryMaid ServiceMemberships & DuesParkingPortagePrintingTaxi or Shuttle ServiceTollsTrainAdditional Incidentals Cost 2Additional Incidentals 3NoneBaggage FeesBusCommunications (Fax, Phone, Web)Fuel for Rental CarInsuranceLaundryMaid ServiceMemberships & DuesParkingPortagePrintingTaxi or Shuttle ServiceTollsTrainAdditional Incidentals Cost 3Additional Incidentals 4NoneBaggage FeesBusCommunications (Fax, Phone, Web)Fuel for Rental CarInsuranceLaundryMaid ServiceMemberships & DuesParkingPortagePrintingTaxi or Shuttle ServiceTollsTrainAdditional Incidentals Cost 4Paid withPersonal Credit CardP-Card (Cardholder)P-Card (not Cardholder)CashOtherRegistration Fee CostPaid withPersonal Credit CardP-Card (Cardholder)P-Card (not Cardholder)CashOtherEstimated Miles Driven (personal car only)Estimated Mileage Cost (Calculated when you click Submit)Total Estimated Cost (Calculated when you click Submit)Lodging/expenses shared with (N/A if not applicable)*Any additional information*ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONAre you the P-Card Holder*Choose OneYesNoIf NO, Enter P-Card Holder's Name*If YES, will this P-Card be used for other travelers?*Choose OneYesNoIf YES, List the other travelers and explain*Please list any other P-Cards used and their holdersHow many files to upload? 1 2 3 Attach any additional information here:Max. file size: 73 MB.Attach any additional information here:Max. file size: 73 MB.Attach any additional information here:Max. file size: 73 MB.Please make sure all fields are as accurate as possible before you click "Submit"If you have not received approval for your travel within 5 business days of departure date, please notify the finance office at or Make sure the confirmation page is displayed after you click submit, otherwise your information may not have been sentCaptcha