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Kostadin Ivanov » People

Photo of Kostadin Ivanov

Kostadin Ivanov

North Carolina State University


Dr. Kostadin Ivanov is currently Professor and Department Head of Nuclear Engineering at North Carolina State University. Dr. Ivanov received a B.S. in nuclear engineering from the Moscow Institute of Power Engineering, Russia. He received his Ph.D. in reactor physics from the Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He was senior research scientist at INRNE and an assistant professor at the Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria. Later, he was a visiting Fulbright scholar at the Nuclear Engineering Department, Pennsylvania State University (PSU) and visiting scientist at the Research Center Rossendorf Inc., Germany. Prior to joining the NC State faculty, he was a distinguished professor of nuclear engineering and graduate coordinator of the nuclear engineering program at PSU.

Presently he studies the next generation stochastic and deterministic methods in reactor physics analysis and also nuclear cross-section generation and modeling. Ivanov also develops advanced methods for multi-physics coupling for design and safety applications. Another topic is the study of verification and validation methods as well as uncertainty quantification and propagation in modeling and simulations.