Kyle Latty Awarded SMART Fellowship

Kyle Latty SMART Award


Kyle Latty, who recently graduated from the University of Florida Nuclear Engineering (NE) Program with a bachelor’s degree, has been awarded a fellowship from the Department of Defense (DOD) Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship-for-Service Program.

During his sophomore year, Latty joined the research group of Kyle C. Hartig, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the NE program in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering. He is interested in optical instrumentation and detection systems used for national-defense-related applications. Through the Air Force Research Laboratory Scholars Program internship this summer, he hopes to gain experience with the fundamentals of frequency combs to implement them in future research projects.

Latty plans to continue in the NE program as a Ph.D. candidate this fall.

“I really think Dr. Hartig’s passion for defense- and security-related research rubbed off on me during my time at UF. It’s the reason I chose the Defense Threat Reduction Agency to be the sponsoring facility for the SMART fellowship and also the reason I like detection-related research,” Latty said. “It’s the best graduation gift a senior could hope for.”

The SMART Scholarship-for-Service Program is an opportunity for students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines to receive a full scholarship and guaranteed civilian employment with the DOD upon degree completion.