MSE Seminar: “Advanced Manufacturing Inspired by Magnetism”

Date(s) - 09/20/2022
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Rhines Hall 125


Hitomi Greenslet, Ph.D.

Professor, UF Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Greenslet is a professor and the graduate coordinator in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Florida. Her research interests have evolved throughout her career and now include ultra-precision finishing, magnetic field-assisted finishing, surface functionalization, and medical-device development. Her work has been published in over 100 refereed journal papers, and she has been granted 11 patents. She has received many awards, including Outstanding Young Engineer awards from the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) in 1995, the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) in 2000, and the Japan Society for Abrasive Technology (JSAT) in 2003. In 2018-2019, she served as President of the North American Manufacturing Research Institute of SME. She is currently Chair of the Scientific Technical Committee for Abrasive Processes (STC-G) of CIRP (International Academy for Production Engineering). In recognition of her contributions, she has been elected a fellow of both ASME and SME.


A combination of magnetism with tool action against a workpiece gives rise to magnetic field-assisted processing (MAP). The process includes cutting, polishing, surface texturing, and forming. In a magnetic field, ferrous or permanent-magnet tools are suspended by magnetic force and link together along the lines of magnetic flux. The tool chains, connected by magnetic force, offer the advantage of a flexible configuration. Moreover, it is possible to influence the motion of a tool—even if the tool is not in direct contact with a magnet—by controlling the magnetic field. This unique behavior of the tool enables the application of the operation not only to easily accessible surfaces but also to areas that are hard to reach by means of conventional mechanical techniques. 

This presentation includes the fusion of magnetism and engineering that led to MAP using a couple of ongoing research topics in Dr. Greenslet’s lab at UF: coloration of stainless steel surfaces using magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) and magnetic field-assisted single-point incremental forming (M-SPIF). Identifying and generating desired tool motion relative to workpiece surface by means of magnetic field are essential to achieve these processes that overcome existing technologies. This presentation describes the fundamentals of these processes and resulting processing characteristics and mechanics.