UF MSE Students and Alumni Attend the Superalloys 2012 Conference

The 12th International Symposium on Superalloys was held September 9-13, 2012, in Seven Springs, PA. The conferences were started in 1968 and have been held every 4 years to bring together researchers, producers, and users of high-strength, high-temperature alloys. There were approximately 400 attendees representing 20 different countries. Of these 400 attendees, 11 were current or former UF MSE students.

2012 Superalloys Conference

In this photo (from L to R):

Dr. Slade Stolz (Pratt & Whitney, Ph.D. 2004), Dr. Andrew Deal (GE GRC, Ph.D. 2004), Phillip Draa (Current Ph.D. Student), Dr. Alvao Mendoza (Firth Rixson, Ph.D. 2010), Dr. Erik Mueller (NTSB, Ph.D. 2007 and B.S. 2003), Matthew Karnick (Current Ph.D. Student), Prof. Mark Weaver (University of Alabama, Ph.D. 1995 and M.S. 1992), Cynthia Klein (Siemens Energy, B.S. 2007), Bart Yelvington (Current B.S. Student), Max Kaplan (Current Ph.D. Student) and John Besser (Firth Rixson, B.S. 2010).